
Summer of Bitcoin is a global summer internship program focused on introducing university students to bitcoin open-source development and design.

Since 2021, more than 130 students from 15 countries have contributed to over 30 open-source bitcoin projects such as BDK, LDK, Core Lightning, LND, Stratum V2, Fedimint, Bitcoin Core and many others.

These students went from knowing nothing about bitcoin to contributing to some of the most impactful bitcoin projects. Now, we want to bring their stories to you.

Subscribe for free to learn about Summer of Bitcoiners, what bitcoin means to them, the project they contributed to and how to get started on bitcoin open-source development and design.

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Stories, news and resources on bitcoin open-source development and design.


Stories, news and resources from student bitcoin developers. Introducing university students to bitcoin open-source development and design. Learn more at http://summerofbitcoin.org